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Justifying Jack (The Wounded Warriors Book 2) Page 16
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Page 16
She giggled. “That right?”
“Oh yeah,” he replied. “You'd better believe it.” Then he turned serious again. Am I still her man? That's what I need to find out. “So will you, Mari? At least say it's not over between us. We're still together, right?”
“Of course, Jack,” she replied. “I've been giving this some thought, and… well… I overreacted. I know I did. But I also realized, earlier today, that… I do… love you. I love your family too. And, well, if my family and yours came together, that sounds perfect.”
Jack beamed, loving every word.
“But there's one thing.”
“Anything, sweet lady,” Jack promised.
“It might seem stupid, after what happened, but… I really think we should wait. You're the pastor's son. I'm the church secretary. It's our job to set a good example. Plus, the kids…”
Wonderful, Jack thought, deflating a bit. But how could he refuse her request? “I'll agree on one condition.”
“What's that?” she asked, and suspicion clouded her features.
“Don't make me wait very long.”
Marithé's soft, pink lips curved into a sad smile. Her eyes sparkled, but he wasn't sure if it was with mirth or tears.
“Okay,” she said softly.
Jack hauled her into his lap, suppressing a wince as she came in contact with his injury, but not shying away from the pain. Of one accord, they reached out and wrapped each other in a warm embrace, moments before their lips came together.
“I love you,” he murmured against her lips.
“I love you, Jack,” she replied, opening to the press of his tongue.
Before their resolve could be further tested, the kids' patience ran out and they bounded into the kitchen, chirping their accomplishments, seemingly unfazed by the sight of their mom being thoroughly kissed.
Chapter 15
In the month or so since their harrowing first date, Jack had kept his promise to Marithé. He'd been the gentleman she wanted and needed, respecting her wishes and refraining from pushing things too far. Of course now, they spent time together nearly every day, and the pressure was growing unbearable.
Hang on, man, Jack thought encouragingly. It won't be long now, thank God! Glancing at Marithé where sat beside him near the front of the church, love spreading throughout his chest, he smiled. And you know she's worth the wait.
Mike stood from his spot on the other side of Jack and stretched, joints popping with his extension. As he relaxed, Jack grasped his arm, preventing him from walking away and blocking everyone else in their aisle from leaving as well. “Mike, hold up a sec.”
“What's up?” Mike's voice was full of curiosity as he scrutinized Jack's face.
Ignoring Mike's inquiry, Jack leaned slightly forward to call to his other friends now that the Christmas Eve service had ended. “Hey, Sam… Amy?”
The couple had been standing together in front of the seats they had occupied on the other side of Marithé. Elena and Andres were entertaining them as they talked animatedly about the baby Jesus and how he'd been born in a barn. Realizing he had everyone's attention, Jack rose stiffly from the church pew with a soft groan. Once he was stable, he extended a hand to Marithé, not because she needed help, but because he wanted an excuse to touch her. “Would you all be willing to join us?”
“Is something going on?” Sam asked as he slipped his arm around his girlfriend's waist. Sam had been trying hard to overcome his PTSD, and for reasons that were becoming increasingly obvious. I'll be damned if that's not a baby bump pushing out the front of Amy's dress!
“Yeah,” Jack replied. “My folks are having a little get-together at the house. Mom tried out a new cake recipe, and there's some hot cocoa and a bottle of champagne. Anyone interested?” Please say yes! Jack knew he was risking a lot, not telling them what was really happening, but he couldn't help wanting to surprise his friends. I hope they'll be as excited as I am!
“What do you think, babe?” Sam asked, looking down into Amy's eyes. Though trouble and strain overshadowed their relationship, the love between them was undeniable. “Are you tired?”
She smiled, her hand fluttering along the curve of her belly. “I'm okay for a while. Besides, cake sounds really good right now.”
“Are you sure?” Sam pressed, concern etched in his expression. “It's a long drive home.”
“I'm sure,” she replied. “It's only eight o'clock, and we have nowhere to be in the morning. This is our last Christmas to sleep in, so why not enjoy it?”
They both laughed. I was right. They're really good together and Amy has made all the difference in the world for Sam. Jack couldn't deny the happiness he felt for his friends.
“I'll stay,” Mike said, and he grinned at Jack, but something about the cast of his features suggested he suspected more was happening than was being said. Always the insightful one, Jack thought to his self with a grin.
“Can we have cake too?” Elena asked, eyes wide, as she tugged at the back of her dress.
“Yeah and cocoa!” Andres seconded. “But I don't want mine hot.”
“That's not cocoa then, Andres,” Elena told him, sounding a bit smug.
“Yeah it is!” the little boy insisted.
“Nuh-uh,” she argued, “if it's not hot then it's just chocolate milk.”
Marithé sighed patiently. Looking from one child to the other in order to emphasize her words, she said, “Of course, you may have cocoa or chocolate milk. I couldn't enjoy a bite if y'all weren't with me!”
The kids beamed. With their dispute on vocabulary forgotten, they squealed happily in excitement. They practically bounced up and down, her in a gold ball gown and him in black suit with a red plaid vest. The sight made Marithé smile warmly. Despite the difficulties of motherhood, she obviously loved her children deeply and it showed. That look… that look right there, it melts my heart and endears this woman to me in ways I can't explain. Yeah, I'll wait. I'd wait forever if she asked me to… though I'm glad she hasn't!
“Can we ride with Pastor and Mrs. Nelson?” Elena asked, ever polite.
Marithé exchanged glances with Shonda. After receiving the almost invisible nod of approval from her friend, she said, “Sure, why not?”
The kids cheered and raced towards the older couple, nearly knocking everyone over in their wake. Though Elena wrapped her arms securely around the woman's waist, hugging her tightly, Andres headed for Malcom. He thrust his hands out, bouncing up and down until Malcom scooped him up into his arms. The children's exuberance incited laughter among the merry on-lookers.
A brisk wind had picked up during the service, so Jack and Marithé quickly worked together to bundle the anxious youngsters. Once they had them outfitted properly for the chilly night air, they ushered them out the door and through the parking lot to Shonda's car. The moment she'd heard her son and Marithé were an official couple, she'd bought and installed booster seats for her two favorite munchkins, so the Dominguez children were settled in an instant, leaving Jack alone with his girl.
Turning in the direction of his car, Mike hollered, “We'll follow you.”
“Okay,” Jack replied, giving a brief wave before he escorted Marithé to the passenger side of his vehicle and helped her crawl inside.
By the time Jack had belted himself behind the wheel and started the engine, Mike and Sam's cars were lined up single file, waiting for him to pull out of his parking space. Checking for traffic, he turned left out of the parking lot, leading the way to the Nelson family home. The lights in his rearview mirror alerted him that his friends remained closely behind.
“Are you sure everything's ready?” Marithé asked nervously.
“You bet. I'm not leaving anything to chance.” He glanced at her and saw that her hazel eyes were glowing with excitement. “You sure this is what you want?” he asked. “I mean, we can still put it off… make a bigger deal…”
She shook her head. “This is perfect. It's exactly what I imagined.�
“You're sure?” he verified again, not because he had concerns of his own, but because he wanted her to be happy. I want you to have everything your heart desires.
“Uh-huh, I wouldn't change a thing.” And the expression on her face was evidence of her sincerity.
Jack slipped his hand into her lap and laced his fingers through hers. “I love you, Maria Teresa.”
“I love you too,” she replied and though she told him daily, it never got old. Jack's heart melted every time she spoke the dearly coveted words. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the knuckles. What an amazing woman!
“Are you ready for… tonight?” Traffic was light so he risked another glance, charmed by the pinkness in her cheeks.
“Yes,” she mumbled, though she couldn't stop herself from smiling.
“Sweet girl,” he breathed. “You can't imagine the things I want to do to you.”
She giggled and looked slightly amused. “I'm not a virgin, you know.”
Jack chuckled, giving her hand a few playful squeezes. “I know, but in a way you are. We both are. I mean, that other time… we didn't… I don't know, take the time to savor each other, I guess. That will change though. We won't have to rush and we can take our time as we learn each other.”
“I'm looking forward to it,” she admitted in a tiny, shy voice.
Jack didn't respond aloud, but in his mind, a refrain began to chant. Me too, baby. Me too!
Though he'd tried not to dwell on it, the memories of their ill-advised coupling had never faded. They haunted him daily. At least the equipment still works, he thought, as yet another erection pushed against the zipper of his pants. Hopefully, I'll regain control over my junk. Damn thing seems to have a mind of its own lately… like I'm a teenager again!
Unable to summon up another intelligent thought, Jack deliberately let his mind go blank, merely memorizing the sensation of Marithé's hand clasped in his, the scent of her shampoo as its bouquet fragranced the air. She feels good sitting beside me, he thought. She feels good being anywhere near me. I wonder if she knows the way she affects me or just how much I love her. Then a broad smile slowly spread across his face as he pulled into his parents' driveway. Sam's pickup and Mike's sedan parked on the street behind him.
Sam escorted his pregnant girlfriend across the crunchy, dry grass, his arm around her waist as she snuggled close to his body. Jack had never seen Sam so protective of a woman. Taking in the delicate blonde's appearance, Jack couldn't help thinking how beautiful Amy was. It's no wonder she brings out the alpha male in him! Clearly, they have a deep connection… which made it no surprise he'd lost it where she was concerned. Thank goodness he's doing better.
Mike trailed after them, hands shoved deep in his pants pockets. Poor Mike, with Sam and Amy growing closer, and now this, he seems so alone. Mike glanced off to the side, overlooking the roadway, apparently trying to avoid looking directly at the couples. I don't think he's ever even dated. I wonder when he'll meet someone. An errant thought skipped through Jack's mind. I wonder… has he ever gotten laid? Jack couldn't recall a time when Mike had spoken about sex in any more than a casual, joking manner.
Irritated with the turn his thoughts had taken, Jack concentrated on escorting Marithé out of the car and into the inviting warmth of his parents' home. Walking with his cane in one hand, he held his other hand firmly against her lower back. Marithé and Amy chatted quietly as the small group made their way up the stoop, giggling when the eager faces of Elena and Andres popped into view through the long, skinny windows that encased the front door.
Inside, the formal living room had been dimly lit with a Christmas tree and a few flickering candles. The scent of pine and cinnamon apples wafted through the room. Quiet instrumental Christmas music played in the background. The effect was warm and inviting, setting a serene mood.
Jack couldn't help grinning at the sight of puzzlement on the faces of his friends. Even the children seemed confused, asking Marithé where the cake and cocoa was. She hushed them and appeased them by promising they'd have their treats soon. Then she directed them to a place near Malcolm, who was still clad in his pastoral collar. He stood beside the tree, a prayer book in his hands.
“You two ready?” he asked, looking expectant.
“You'd better believe it,” Jack shot back, aiming for nonchalance, but realizing the hand that clutched his woman was slick with sweat.
“Good. Sam, Amy, Mike, take a seat, please.” Malcolm beckoned, waving at the white brocade sofa. The friends looked at each other, but agreed to sit. “Shonda, honey, can you mind the children, please?”
“Of course.” Shonda smiled, gesturing the children to her as she settled herself on the matching loveseat. When the kids got close enough, she drew Elena and Andres to her sides, snuggling them comfortably. She was already clutching a tissue in her strong, brown hand, prepared for her inevitable reaction. When she pulled her arm out from behind Elena to dab at her nose, Andres scrambled into her lap, and she hugged him, looking thankful for his nearness.
“Everyone,” Jack addressed the room. “I have a confession. I invited you all here under false pretenses. This isn't a Christmas Eve cake and cocoa party. Well, I mean… there is cake and cocoa, but we have a bit of business to attend to first. See, Marithé and I… we…”
“We're getting married,” she finished for him, patting him on the arm. “Here, tonight. And we wanted you to be our witnesses.”
The small group seemed a bit stunned. Their blank expressions seemed to freeze Jack's brain. “See, you're all… family, so it's important to have you… here… with us.” Ugh, I sound like an idiot.
Looking to Marithé for direction, she tried to offer more of an explanation. “Sam and Mike, you were friends to Jorge…” She paused a moment, swallowing the hurt that threatened to bubble up inside of her. “You were… with him… at the end. And then you stayed with Jack… supporting him while he recovered from his injuries.”
Marithé took in a shaky breath and looked to Jack for strength. He wrapped his arm around her waist and nodded approvingly, encouraging her to continue. “I want to say… thank you, but that doesn't seem enough. I get it, though… I see that you are all truly brothers and that's why… well, that's why you're here.”
Shonda sobbed, moved by the emotional words of her soon-to-be daughter-in-law. Elena patted the older woman consolingly, causing Shonda to draw her tighter into her side, hugging the little girl affectionately. Andres kissed her damp cheek and rested his head on her shoulder, trying to offer her comfort as well.
“And Amy, like me, you waited at home… worried and scared, wanting your man to return safe. And like me, you didn't get what you expected.”
“War changes everyone,” Jack noted quietly, “those who go, and those who wait.”
Marithé nodded in agreement. “It brings suffering and pain… loss, but somehow, hope remains and love… survives. Tonight, Jack and I want to share our hope and love with you. We want to start replacing some of the sad memories with a new beginning, our beginning. Will you bear witness to our moment?”
The men looked at each other, not really sure what they'd been asked to do, but Amy beamed, her hand resting on her belly again. “So many new beginnings,” she remarked with a voice full of emotion. “I hope you two will join us when it's our turn.” She leaned against Sam, a trail of happy tears moving down her joyous face.
“Of that you can be certain,” Marithé promised with delight. The ladies smiled at each other and Jack knew the foundation of their friendship was firmly cemented in that moment.
“All right, now that that's been settled,” Malcom said, drawing attention back to his self. “Let's get this going, shall we?”
“Wait, what's happening?” Elena piped up. “Where are we going and why are y'all crying?”
“Yeah,” Andres looked bewildered. Taking in the crumpled state of her tissue, he stretched to the side, pulled another from the box on the end table, and
shoved it at Shonda a little roughly.
“Oh,” Shonda exclaimed, leaning back a little, surprised by the gesture. “Thank you, dear,” she croaked, catching the offered tissue, relieving the little boy from his attempts to wipe away her tears.
Oh, geez. She's crying even harder now, Jack thought, but the corners of his mouth curved upward anyway. Catching Marithé's attention, he kissed her hand and winked at her. Then Jack approached the little girl and knelt beside her, biting his lip to hide his discomfort, refusing to voice the groan of pain that screamed for release. “Honey, your mama and I are getting married.”
She blinked at him and then her little face scrunched up in conversation. “Does that mean we'll all be a family?”
Jack nodded. “It sure does, Elena.”
“I want to be a family,” Andres announced as he tapped Jack on the shoulder with one hand.
“I'm glad to hear it, little man,” Jack smiled, placing a big hand over the tiny one on his shoulder, but he released it again when Elena called his attention back to her.
“Does this mean I can sleep in the room I picked out at your house?”
He grinned. “Yep, you sure can.”
“And your mama and daddy will be my grandparents?”
Jack glanced at his mother's watery smile. “Uh-huh, that's right, Elena.”
“Yay!” Andres cheered, nearly choking Shonda as he threw his arms around her neck in a tiny bear hug. “I'm going to call you Nana, just like the puppy in Peter Pan!”
A few chuckles echoed in the room at the little boy's exuberance. Still, Jack worried what Elena would think, especially since she'd seemed lost in thought, quiet and introspective. “Would you like that?”
“Yes,” she replied firmly, decisively. “But that means I can't call you Jack anymore.”
“What?” Jack glanced over at Marithé, who shrugged. Apparently, she's just as confused as I am. Turning back to Elena, he asked, “What do you want to call me, if not Jack?”
Elena looked a little perplexed, as a brief moment of anxiety passed. Then the girl scooted back in her chair, readjusting her position, making herself a little taller, and swallowed hard before asking, “Can I… can I call you Daddy?”